Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton Candy

You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on.

You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals.

Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have.

No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you!

What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Your Scent is Glow

Fresh, sexy, and clean. You're real, intimate, and exciting. Your lush sensuality appeals to men... And you're as sexy as Jennifer Lopez. Power scents: Orange flower, grapefruit, and citrus.

What Scent Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

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You Are Vanilla Ice Cream!

What Flavor Ice Cream Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

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The PJ's You Are Most Like: Underwear

You enjoy the simple things in life and aren't hard to please You have an understated, easy sexyness that men love And you're confident enough to pull it off - without being overbearing

What Kind of PJ's Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

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You Are A BCBG Black Leather Clutch

You're a modern, urban chick who's more than a little tough
(Well, as tough as you can be while carrying a purse)
Black leather is like your denim - goes good with everything
You'd even wear it to work, if you could get away with it

What Kind of Handbag Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are a Boy Shorts Bikini!

You're a sexy girl - but not the type that likes to let it all hang out.
You are in to a little of everything at the beach - swimming, tanning, playing
And when you're running around, you'll be sure your butt isn't falling out of your suit

What Kind of Bikini Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are a Classic Beauty!

You have a timeless beauty that looks great in every decade
Instead following trends, you stick to what works
And this means you never skimp on your beauty routine
Upside? Your classic looks tends to attract gentlemen - not boys.

What Type of Beauty Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

You Are a Double Espresso

Hey Energizer Bunny Girl! Do you ever slow down?
You're a mix of high energy and ambition, perfectly matched with strong espresso
When you want something you get it - by any means possible
You're driven, determined, and no nonsense. Which is just how you like your java.

What Kind Of Coffee Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
Which PPG are you?

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna
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