♥ You can only blame your problems on the world for so long, before it all becomes the same old song ♥

Name: Bella
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Nationality: American

Forests, hammocks, baked goods, making and editing spotify playlists, found footage horror, Lace, Fairies, hot topic, basements, nightgowns, rain, airports, cool hair tutorials, snowglobes

Seltzer, tea, headaches, modern minimalist web design, horror movie jump scares, attention whores, feeling left out, twitter, wattpad, people who can't listen to others perspectives, pop culture, politicans & the government, injustice

Interests/ hobbies
Thrifting, Making original characters, first person shooters, gothic poetry, retro technology, old web design, old youtube, blogging, weapons, history of the 21st century, collecting vinyls & cd's

Characters/ Mascots
Inavder zim

Fall out boy, Lady Gaga, The Smiths, Pixies, Oasis

Black cats, monkeys, elephants

Pinks- Punch, Bubblegum, Ballet slipper
Greens- lime, mint
Purples- lavender, lilac, periwinkle, orchid

White rice, whipped cream, cookie dough - cake batter - birthday cake flavored things, beef products

My name is
My gender is
angel, animal lover, autistic, bisexual, blonde, dork, female, feminist, Green, girly, glittery, grrl, huggy, intelligent, leftist, libertarian, nerd, quirky, radical fairy, sparkly
What's yours?